Here is the complete guide for Kadena Mining. A step-by-step guide to mine KDA coins and the best mining pool. ASIC.

I have shown a step-by-step guide for mining Kadena coins. Also shown best mining pools and software to use to mine KDA coins.

It doesn’t Support Graphic Cards, you can only mine with ASIC.

Kadena Coin (KDA)

Kadena’s CEO Martino has earned a reputation for delivering unique insights into the world of hybrid Blockchain. The founder of Kadena has worked in jp morgan’s blockchain center. 

The group has a strong technical leader who has more than ten years of experience developing software for the defense industry. In short, they understand what solutions most important industries require and how to develop them. Kadena’s Blockchain can help businesses across different industries.

You can buy KDA from Bittrex

To learn more about Kadena, check out their website and the following links.

Download Kadena Wallet:

How to Mine Kadena Coins?

To start mining Kadena coins, you should have perfect ASIC Hardware. 

For ASIC miner kadena works on Blake2S algorithm to mine KDA. 

Kadena mning is best for ASIC miners 

So let’s get started with a step-by-step guide to mine Kadena coin:

Step 1: Wallet Address

A wallet address is where you store your coin, and mining requires a wallet address. You can also choose an exchange, such as Bittrex

You can also download the official Kadena wallet.

Step 2: Configuration Kadena Mining

You’ll need to enter the following information into your mining device:

URL: stratum+tcp://

Username: walletAddress.workerName

Password: Your choice

This is only for ASIC miners.

Kadena Coin Mining Pool

There are not many options to choose from for mining Kadena. There are very limited mining pools for Kadena and which are 

  1. Poolflare
  2. F2pool
  3. Cmpool
  4. Hashpool
Pool WebsiteServer LocationsReward SystemPool Fee
PoolflareHong KongPPS  (pay per share)2%
F2PoolGlobal PPS  (pay per share) 3%
HashpoolChina PPLNS (pay per last N shares) 1%
Top kadena mining pool

Almost all the mining pool for Kadena has a payment method of Pay-Per-Share, and only Hashpool has a PPLNS with 1% fees. 

Kadena Mining Profitable Calculator

Mining Kadena is a bit risky, someday it gives good returns, and sometimes it offers decent returns.

You can calculate mining Kadena on: Click here to Calculate.

While Calculating, you have to enter HashRate, Electricity Cost.

If you hold your Kadena coin and its price skyrocket, then the profit will be much more.

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  1. This post indicates that it is possible to mine KDA via the Scrypt algorithm. I’ve only seen Blake2S listed as the mining algorithm for KDA. Can you provide more detail on how Scrypt mining of KDA is possible?

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