Firo mining works on both GPU and CPU. Mining works on the MTP (Merkle Tree Proof) algorithm. GPU mining is an efficient way to mine Firo coins which is profitable.

Firo Mining Supported Graphic Cards (GPU)

Nvidia GPU: GTX 1070, 1070Ti, 1080, 1080 Ti, 1660Ti, RTX 2070, RTX 2080, RTX 2080 Ti, RTX3060Ti, RTX 3070 and RTX 3080.

AMD GPU doesn’t support the MTP algorithm.

So before the mining guide, let’s know what Firo Coin (Zcoin) is.

Firo (Zcoin)

Zcoin was rebranded to Firo coin in 2020. It was originally launched in 2016. It is a privacy coin that has open-source code. To improve privacy, zcoin is now shifted to a scheme called sigma. 

zcoin to firo coin

Sigma is based on a report by markov coldweiss and jens groth and removes the need for a trusted setup in zerocoin while allowing for more scalability.

With z coin’s new sigma program, only the sender and receiver know the exchange of funds in any transaction since no transaction histories are linked to the actual coin.

New Protocol has been made to enable anonymous, untraceable transitions. The goal of zcoin is to do privacy transactions that no one knows, making this concept pure decentralized. 

To learn more about Firo, check out their website and the following links.

Download Firo Wallet:

Firo mining works on the MTP algorithm, so let see about MTP.

What is MTP?

MTP is a memory-hard Proof-of-Work based on the memory-hard function with fast verification and short proofs. It can also be used for memory-hard time-lock puzzles. 

MTP Algorithm

The MTP Full form is Merkle Tree Proof, an algorithm devised by Alex Biryukov and Dmitry Khovratovich. 

MTP Algorithm Report

How to Mine Firo

For mining, you are going to need some requirements, which I have shown below. First, look into the requirement and show you how you can mine Firo coin.

Firo Mining Software

Mining software is used to mine the coin, and there are different software for Nvidia and AMD.

Here is the different mining software option: you can use CCMiner for NVIDIA, WildRig for AMD, and CPUMiner for CPUs.

Best Mining Pools for Firo

You can mine Firo with solo mining and pool mining.

Solo mining is where you mine with your GPU or CPU, and you get all the rewards.

In pool mining, you mine with different miners, and all the reward gets distributed with miners. 

So lets the different mining pool for Firo coin:

Mining for solo mining

Mining PoolLocationPool FeesWebsite
2Miner 2MinersWorldwide1% (PPLNS)Visit
zeergpool ZergpoolWorldwide0.5% (PPLNS)Visit
MintPond Mint PondWorldwide0.9% (PPLNS)Visit

Mining for Pool mining

Mining PoolLocationPool FeesWebsite
Speed PoolWorldwide1%Visit

Always choose a mining pool whose Hashrates are high and pool fees are low. The same goes for solo mining also.

Firo Mining: Step-by-Step

Step 1: Choose a Wallet.

dekstop walletMobile app wallet
Official Website

There are different wallets for Firo coin, such as Exchange, desktop, and mobile app. 

For Exchange, you can choose Binance.

For Mobile and Desktop, you can have Trust Wallet.

Here I’m using Binance Exchange to store my Firo coin.

Following shows how to get a wallet address:

bianace wallet
Firo Deposit
firo exchange wallet
  1. Create an account on Binance
  2. Go to the Spot section.
  3. Search “”Firo””.
  4. Click on Deposit.
  5. Copy Wallet Address.

Note: You should always do your due diligence when choosing a wallet provider or Exchange.

Step 2: Mining Pool

Choose a mining pool as per your requirement.

Pool Mining Lists:

  1. 2Miners
  2. MintPond
  3. Zeergpool

Solo Mining Lists:

  1. 2Miners Solo
  2. SoloPool
  3. SpeedPool

Step 3: Mining Software 

There are different mining software for different GPU’sGPU’s. 

Below is the list of mining software as per GPU and CPU:

  1. Nvidia GPU: Official Firo ccminer by djm34 
  2. AMD GPU: Official Firo sgminer by djm34
  3. Nvidia GPU: T-Rex Miner
  4. Nvidia GPU: TT-MinerNvidia GPU: Cryptodredge 
  5. cpuminer by djm34

Download software as per your hardware and operating system. 

I have an Nvidia card, so I’m choosing T-rex Mining.

trex firo mine

Unzip the Software.

Create a file called Firo_Mining.bat

Edit the file and enter this code given below:

t-rex.exe -a mtp -o stratum+tcp://POOLADDRESS:PORT -u username.worker -p password

Enter Port as per your mining pool which has shown in step 2. Also, enter your Firo mining address.

After pasting it in, save the file as a .bat file (e.g., Firo_Mining.bat) in the same folder where you extracted the miner.

For pool mining, below is the list of configurations as per software.

For cpuminercpuminer.exe -a mtp -o stratum+tcp://POOLADDRESS:PORT -u username.worker -p password -t numberofthreads
For sgminer (AMD)sgminer.exe –kernel mtp -o stratum+tcp://POOLADDRESS:PORT -u username.worker -p 0,strict,verbose,d=700 –worksize 256 –intensity 18
For T-Rex Miner (Nvidia)t-rex.exe -a mtp -o stratum+tcp://POOLADDRESS:PORT -u username.worker -p password
For CryptoDredge (Nvidia)CryptoDredge.exe -a mtp -o stratum+tcp://POOLADDRESS:PORT -u username.worker -p x
For TT-Miner (Nvidia)TT-MinerCmd.exe -A MTP-100 -P username.worker@POOLADDRESS:PORT

For solo mining, below is the code to configurations as per software.

Make a new file called firo.conf and add and adapt these lines:


Once this is done, restart your Firo wallet and ensure it is synced. Then make a new file called miner.bat as below and save it in the same folder as where you had extracted the miner.

ccminer.exe -a mtp -o -u firo -p mtp --no-getwork --coinbase-addr YOURFIROADDRESS

Step 4: Running the Miner

After editing the Firo_Mining.bat file, click on that, and it will start running.

Once you see your shares as accepted, you should be good to go! Note that it may take a few minutes for the correct speed to be reflected on your pool website and your mining command line.

Firo Mining Profitable Calculator

You can calculate mining Firo Coin on: Click here to Calculate.

While Calculating, you have to enter HashRate, Electricity Cost.

firo minning profitable

As you can see in the above image, with 60 h/s, I will be getting 2.1$ Per day, which makes 63$ per month.


What is Firo mining?

Firo mining is a mining process where you use computational power to validate transactions and get rewarded in return. Firo Mining works on the MTP (Merkle Tree Proof) algorithm.

Is Firo mining profitable?

In 2022, mining Firo is profitable to mine, which gives more reward than Ethereum mining. With my 60 Mh/s, I get 3$ per day.

Is Firo good for mining?

After Ethereum recent update of EIP 1559 the Ethereum mining is not much profitable so here comes Firo which gives more return then ETH.

Can you solo mine Firo?

Yes, You can mine Firo as a solo miner. There are different Pools which help you to do this.
Here is the list of pool to mine solo:
1. 2Miners Solo
2. SoloPool
3. SpeedPool

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