I have shown a step-by-step guide for mining Tent coins. Also shown best mining pools and software to use to mine TENT coins.

Tent Mining Supported Graphic Cards (GPU)

Nvidia GPU: GTX 1070, 1070Ti, 1080, 1080 Ti, 1660Ti, RTX 2070, RTX 2080, RTX 2080 Ti, RTX3060Ti, RTX 3070 and RTX 3080.

AMD GPU: Radeon HD 7000, Radeon Rx 200, Radeon Rx 300, Radeon Rx 400/500, Radeon RX Vega/Radeon VII(7nm), Radeon RX 5000, Radeon RX 6000.

Tent Coin

The tent is a cryptocurrency platform. Its goal is to provide an accessible, simple & secure way to trade cryptocurrency, store cryptocurrency, and access it easily in the real world.

The tent is also a Tent card, like a debit card used for daily usage.

tent ecosystem

Below is the image of the block reward structure for the TENT coin.

tent block rewards

Key Features of the TENT platform are as follows: 

  • 51% attack resistance
  • Non-custodial multi-asset 
  • GPU mineable coin 
  • No ICO, 
  • No premined coins, 
  • No IEO 
  • ASIC Resistant 

Total Supply: 36,508,947.50 TENT coins.

Coin Symbol: TENT

Hash Algorithm: Equihash(144,5)

To learn more about Swap, check out their website and the following links.

Download Tent Wallet:

How to Mine TENT

To start mining Tent coins, you should have perfect Hardware. Without perfect hardware, mining will get difficult for you.

You can mine with different types of Hardware like ASICs and GPUs.

Different Hardware requires different algorithms to mine. With AMD cards, you can only use Bminer, Gminer, and lolminer.

Make sure you have a graphic card with at least 6 GB of memory.

So let’s get started with a step-by-step guide to mine Tent coin:

Step 1: Wallet Address

Mining requires a wallet where you can store the minable coins. For tent coins, you can choose their official mobile wallet: Android and iOS.

Also has a desktop wallet which you can use: Wallet.

Step 2: Download Mining Software

Bminer, Gminer, and lolminer are popular options for mining Tent with GPUs, and this mining software works for both AMD and Nvidia Graphic Cards. 

These are some excellent mining software you can choose from.

tent mining software

For this guide, I’m using gminer.

Step 3: Mining Pool

For the mining pool, I’m going with the minerpool, which has the highest Hashrate.

Below is the code as per mining software.

Mining SoftwareCommand
Gminerminer –server eu.minerpool.org –port 3034 –user WALLET.WORKERNAME –pass YourPassword –algo 144_5 –pers sngemPoW –pec
Minizminer –url=WALLET.WORKERNAME@eu.minerpool.org:3034 –pass=YourPassword –par=144,5 –pers=sngemPoW –extra

*replace the server as per your location (eu.minerpool.org, na.minerpool.org, asia.minerpool.org)

Step 4: Configuration Mining

Unzip the Gminer software.

bat file

Create a file called tent_mining.bat

tent configuration 2

In that file, copy this code:

miner --server eu.minerpool.org --port 3034 --user WALLET.WORKERNAME --pass YourPassword --algo 144_5 --pers sngemPoW --pec

* YourPassword must NOT be x because anyone can guess it and you can use it in the pool Miner dashboard to change CustomPayout.

tent configuration

Enter Code as per your software, replace wallet with your Tent wallet address, and set a worker name.

Tent Mining Software

There are different software you can use for mining, and we have to choose efficient mining software.

Bminer, Gminer, and lolminer are popular options for mining Tent with GPUs.

This mining software helps us mine a particular cryptocurrency; some are efficient software, some are not, so we have to test all the software. 

So from the list of mining software, I came up with the three best mining software, which you have already told you about.

Tent Mining Pool

There are different ways you can mine Tent coins: Solo and Pool Mining.

Solo Mining

Solo mining is where an individual mines a coin, and all the rewards go to individuals only and some fees to a mining pool.

Below is the list of mining pools for Solo:

Pool WebsiteServer LocationsPool Fee
MinerPoolEU, US, Asia1%
K1PoolEU, ASIA, US1%

Pool Mining

Pool mining is where many miners mine a particular coin, and rewards are distributed equally per their Hashrate.

Below is the list of mining pools for Pool:

Pool WebsiteServer LocationsReward SystemPool Fee
MinerPoolEU, US, AsiaPPLNT1%
ZergpoolEU, ASIA, USPROP (proportional)0.5%
ZPoolNetherlandPROP (proportional)0.5%

Mining Calculator

You can calculate the mining Tent on Click here to Calculate.

While Calculating, you have to enter HashRate, Electricity Cost.


What is Tent Crypto?

Tent Crypto is a coin that you can use to trade and also use debit card money. It has very low fees.

What happened to SnowGem?

The SnowGem is rebranded to Tent coin. It is a cryptocurrency platform where you store and trade crypto.

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