I have shown a step-by-step guide for verge coin mining. Also shown best mining pools and software to use to mine XVG coins.

Supported Graphic Cards

Nvidia GPU: GTX 1070, 1070Ti, 1080, 1080 Ti, 1660Ti, RTX 2070, RTX 2080, RTX 2080 Ti, RTX3060Ti, RTX 3070 and RTX 3080.

AMD GPU: Radeon HD 7000, Radeon Rx 200, Radeon Rx 300, Radeon Rx 400/500, Radeon RX Vega/Radeon VII(7nm), Radeon RX 5000, Radeon RX 6000.

Verge Coin (XVG)

Verge provides an easy and straightforward to use platform where you transact quickly and efficiently across a blockchain-based network.

Verge is an open-source project which developers actively develop. It is not a private company. XVG network safe and securely. It provides quick payments buy and sell.

You can buy XVG from Binance.

To learn more about verge, check out their website and the following links.

Download Verge Wallet:

How to Mine Verge Coins?

To start mining verge coins, you should have perfect Hardware. 

You can mine with different types of Hardware like ASICs, FPGA miners, and GPUs.

Different Hardware requires different algorithms to mine. Verge coin mining software called Blake2S can be efficiently mined with ASICs, FPGA miners, and GPUs. Verge Scrypt and X17 cannot be efficiently mined with GPUs and CPUs.

Make sure you have a graphic card with at least 6 GB of memory.

So let’s get started with a step-by-step guide to mine xvg coin:

Step 1: Wallet Address

A wallet address is where you store your coin, and mining requires a wallet address. You can also choose an exchange, such as Binance

You can also download the official verge wallet.

Step 2: Download Software

CCMiner, Claymore, and SGMiner are popular options for mining Verge with GPUs. These are some excellent mining software you can choose from. 

After downloading the software, unzip it.

Step 3: Configuration Mining

xvg coin mining software

After Unzip, there will be a .bat file. Right-click and edit.

I’m showing you as per Fpool miner.

In the .bat file, you have to enter some codes given below to make sure your mining software code will be different.

Blake2SSGMiner (NVIDIA)ccminer-x64 -a blake2s -o stratum+tcp://xvg-blake2s.f2pool.com:9008 -u wallet_address.worker_name -p x
Blake2SCCMiner (NVIDIA)ccminer-x64 -a blake2s -o stratum+tcp://xvg-blake2s.f2pool.com:9008 -u wallet_address.worker_name -p x
X17SGMiner (AMD)sgminer.exe -k x17 -o stratum+tcp://xvg-x17.f2pool.com:9010 -u wallet_address.worker_name -p donate -X 256 –gpu-platform 1 -g 2 –log-file log.txt
X17CCMiner (NVIDIA)ccminer-x64 -a x17 -o stratum+tcp://xvg-x17.f2pool.com:9010 -u wallet_address.worker_name -p x
verge coin mining software

Enter Code as per your software, replace wallet_address with your Verge wallet address and set a worker name.

Include the following settings for SGMiner:


For ASIC mining, you can use the Scrypt algorithm to mine XVG coins.

You’ll need to enter the following information into your mining device:

URL: stratum+tcp://xvg-scrypt.f2pool.com:9009

Username: walletAddress.workerName

Password: Your choice

This is only for ASIC miners.

Best Mining Software 

There are different software you can use for mining, and we have to choose efficient mining software.

CCMiner, Claymore, and SGMiner are popular options for mining Verge with GPUs.

CCminer is compatible with Nvidia GPUs. It’s open-source software. This software works on Linux & Windows.

Download: https://github.com/tpruvot/ccminer

Claymore is a dual mining software that works on both AMD & NVIDIA GPU mining. It runs under Windows x64 and Linux x64.

Download: https://github.com/Claymore-Dual/Claymore-Dual-Miner

SGMiner is the fastest open-source Zcash miner out there.

Expected Hashrate:

  • RX 470: 190 H/s
  • R9 380 (with fglrx): 128 H/s

Download: https://github.com/genesismining/sgminer-gm/releases

Verge Coin Mining Pool

There are different mining methods, and some people love to do solo mining, and some love pool mining. Solo mining is for those who have large mining houses. Pool mining is where a group of miners from different locations mine together and share rewards. So let’s look into both Solo and Pool mining.

Solo Mining for XVG

To Solo, you can mine either x17, blake2s, scrypt, lyra2rev2, or myr-groestl. Just pick up a GPU miner for any of those and check the vergecurrency.com website for a pool! x17 and lyra2.

I will suggest not solo mine the verge coin because the reward will be on luck. In pool mining, you definitely will get rewarded even if your computer doesn’t find any blocks.

Pool Mining for XVG

There are many mining pools for verge coins, but some pools require registration, so Below is the list of mining pools that require registration.

Pool WebsiteServer LocationsReward SystemPool Fee
UnminingEUPPS  (pay per share)0.5%
Mining Pool HubEU, ASIA, USPPLNS (pay per last N shares)1%
Mining DutchEU, ASIA, USPROP (proportional)2%

Below is the list of mining pools that do not require any registration.

Pool WebisteFeePool Url
Zergpool1%X17: stratum+tcp://x17.mine.zergpool.com:3737
Blake2s: stratum+tcp://blake2s.mine.zergpool.com:5766
Myr-GR: stratum+tcp://myr-gr.mine.zergpool.com:5433
Scrypt: stratum+tcp://scrypt.mine.zergpool.com:3433
Zpool1.75%X17: stratum+tcp://x17.mine.zpool.ca:3737
Lyra2rev2: stratum+tcp://lyra2v2.mine.zpool.ca:4533
Blake2s: stratum+tcp://blake2s.mine.zpool.ca:5766

Mining Rig

A mining rig is a set of graphic cards used for mining cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin, Etc. 

Verge Mining Rig Configuration.

  • Motherboard, 
  • 4 Graphic Card (6GB/8GB)
  • SMPS of 750Watt +, 
  • Monitor, Keyboard, and Mouse
  • 8GB Ram

Getting a mining rig is very difficult to get, and during the bull run mining Rigs, are so expensive. I suggest you buy a mining rig once the bull run ends and the Rig price goes down.

Verge Mining Profitable Calculator

Verge coin mining is a bit risky, someday it gives good returns, and sometimes it offers decent returns.

You can calculate mining Verge on: Click here to Calculate.

While Calculating, you have to enter HashRate, Electricity Cost.

As you can see on the above image, with 33 Mh/s, I will be getting 1.57$ Per day, which makes 47$ per month.

If you hold your verge coin and its price skyrocket, then the profit will be much more.

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